What Are the Differences Between Types of Clients in Pass?

In addition to the photographer account, Pass supports four different client types that can be used for various purposes, such as controlling download settings, managing marketing campaigns, setting gallery visibility, and more.

The Five User Types in Pass

  1. Main Client: The highest-level user in the gallery, invited directly by you.
  2. Photographer Invited: Users invited by you or through a secure link.
  3. Client Invited: Users invited by the main client or through a secure guest link.
  4. Guest: Users who access the gallery via a public guest link.

These user types mainly control permissions for downloads, gallery and scene access, and participation in sales campaigns.

How users are invited determines their type for that gallery.

Main Client

The Main Client has the highest level of download permissions. You can allow free high-res and/or web-sized downloads exclusively for the Main Client in the gallery and slideshow download settings.

Main Clients can also hide photos in the gallery, and you can send them Selection Requests and Album Proofs.

In some Marketing Automation apps, the Main Client may receive specific emails while other users receive different ones. 

Photographer Invited

Photographer Invited users could be extended family members or event attendees. They can have the same or lower download permissions as the Main Client. You can allow free high-res and/or web-sized downloads for both Main Client and Photographer Invited users.

You can also control which scenes a Photographer Invited user can view, and invite a list of people to the gallery easily through this option.

Client Invited

Client Invited users are invited to the gallery by the Main Client, either via email or through a secure guest link if the gallery is private. Users who pre-register for the gallery are also considered Client Invited.

Client Invited users generally have the lowest download permissions. You can set free high-res and/or web-sized downloads to be available for everyone in the gallery and slideshow settings.


Guests access the gallery through a public guest link and have the lowest download permissions, similar to Client Invited users. You can allow free high-res and/or web-sized downloads for everyone in the gallery settings.

Gallery Permissions

In the download settings for galleries and slideshows, you can control download permissions based on user type.

Sharing Photos as a Gallery

From the Photos tab, you can share selected photos as a limited gallery view. If you share this with a Main Client or an existing Photographer Invited user, they’ll see the limited view but still have access to view all photos. If shared with another guest or client, they’ll be classified as a Photographer Invited user.

Please Note: If the Main Client has hidden any photos, those images will remain hidden from other users, even if shared.

Shared Photos

When someone views a shared selection, they will only see those specific photos. However, if they have access to other photos (e.g., through a secure or public link), a top bar with a button will allow them to view all photos shared with them.

Download Settings

Slideshow Settings

Customize download settings for both galleries and slideshows, controlling which user types have access to high-res or web-sized downloads.

Gallery Settings

Within the gallery, you can limit which scenes are visible to different user types. 

You can also apply watermarks to certain user groups.

Marketing Automations

For some Marketing Automation apps, such as the Early Bird app, you can target specific user types for sales campaigns. For example, you could run a welcome campaign for Client Invited and Guest users only, or offer digital downloads to others categorized as Photographer Invited users.

With other apps, like the General Coupon app, you can specify which user types receive the campaign when applying the app to a gallery.


If you have any issues or questions at all, please email help@passgallery.com.