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Getting started
Getting started
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Knowledge Base
Getting started
Getting started
Smart Store
Pass Classic
Pass Platinum
Campaigns and Automations
Getting started
How to get started in your Pass account.
How do I customize my brand?
How can I add a custom domain?
How do I request a client selection?
How do I unblock custom domains on Cloudflare?
How do I manage the testimonials from my galleries?
How do I upload a print release to the gallery?
How do I change the email templates for the gallery invite?
How should I use dynamic text in the emails templates?
How do I add a new Email Package?
How can I hide the list of liked photos from other users?
How do I set my default upload sorting mode for my galleries?
How can I disable/enabled copies of the emails sent to the photographer?
How can I customize email templates in an Email Package?
How do I log out of my account?
Getting Started With Pass
How do I protect my watermark from watermark removers?
How to enlarge photos in a gallery
How to Create a Custom Domain
Using the Drag and Drop Uploader
Looking For The Latest Version of the Uploader?
Creating your First Client Gallery
What’s the Difference Between Public and Private Galleries?
How Do I Customize Gallery Cover Fonts and Background Colors?
How Do I Add Text to the Gallery Scene?
How Do I Delete a Price List?
How Do I Apply a Price List to the Gallery?
How Should I Use Dynamic Text in Email Templates?
What Is the File Size Limit for Uploading?
How Do I Add My Own Banners to the Gallery and Shop?
How Do I Hide Scenes from Certain User Types?
How Can I see My Subscription Plan Details?
How Do I Share a Client Gallery?
Tips for Creating and Sharing Slideshows
What Are the Differences Between Types of Clients in Pass?
How Do I Approve Gallery Access?
How Does the Optimized Send Schedule Work?
How to Duplicate, Edit, and Rename Gallery Templates?
How to Enable or Disable Copies of Emails Sent to Yourself (Photographer BCC)
How to Create and Use the Early Bird App?
How to Set an Expiration Date for Your Client Galleries
How Do I Receive Payouts to My PayPal Account?
Where Do I Find My Invoice for Order Production Costs?