What Is the Best Resolution for My Images?

Delivering high-quality images is essential for both downloading and printing.

Below, we’ll cover Pass's recommended image resolution, the difference between image resolution and dimension, and the distinctions between print resolution and web resolution.

Image Resolution vs. Dimension

Understanding the difference between resolution and dimension is key:

  • Dimension: The total number of pixels along the width and height of an image.
  • Resolution: The number of pixels per inch when printed, also known as PPI (pixels per inch) or DPI (dots per inch).

How They Relate:
When the resolution (PPI/DPI) of an image changes, its dimensions (width and height) will adjust to maintain the same amount of image data.

Optimal Resolution

To maximize print quality and size options, always upload images at their largest possible resolution.

  • Recommended Resolution for Printing: 300 DPI.
  • How to Calculate Dimensions: Multiply the desired print dimensions by 300.
    • Example for a 4x6 print: 4×300=1,2004 \times 300 = 1,2004×300=1,200 and 6×300=1,8006 \times 300 = 1,8006×300=1,800 → Optimal size: 1,200 x 1,800 pixels.
    • Example for an 8x10 print: 8×300=2,4008 \times 300 = 2,4008×300=2,400 and 10×300=3,00010 \times 300 = 3,00010×300=3,000 → Optimal size: 2,400 x 3,000 pixels.

Print Resolution vs. Web Resolution

Pass handles both high-resolution and web-resolution files to optimize viewing and printing:

  • High-Resolution Files: Used for downloads and all print products in your store.
  • Web-Resolution Files: Automatically created with smaller dimensions for faster client viewing and sharing on social media.
    • Note: Web-resolution files are not suitable for printing.

By offering both formats, Pass ensures a seamless experience for your clients while maintaining professional image quality for all print needs.


If you have any questions or need any additional information, please email help@passgallery.com